Visions of Escaflowne

Van Fanel and Folken Fanel.

Escaflowne van-folken

The two princes of Fanelia; Folken is the elder, who upon his attempt to complete the Rite of Succession to become King, lost his right arm to the dragon.

Van and his family had believed that Folken had died during the rite; their mother, Varie, went to search for Folken, and did not return. When Balgus went to search for them both, he found no trace of them.

This effectively orphaned Van, with only Balgus and Merle as his trusted teacher and friend. Having been alone most of his life (and shunned by others who knew of his Draconian heritage), it was with shock that he discovers that Folken had been alive all this time, and had abandoned him. After finding out Folken was behind the attack on their homeland, Van is feels betrayed and struggles to accept his brother's actions.

On several occasions, Folken tries to convince Van to join him in Zaibach, telling him that he and Dornkirk fight for a world free of war. Van doesn't understand him, telling Folken that more fighting is not the way to achieve peace.

For his part, Folken seems not to understand Van's feelings, and wants him to put them aside, so they may be together again as family.

